mercredi 29 juillet 2009

A good way to start speaking about Zeu Game?

Zeu Game is the official blog where i will share with you my projects in the gaming domain.

The development of the Zeu Game platform has been mainly oriented toward "Massive" multiplayer games availables in the browser and on severals others handsets targets, specially Android (Google is my second wife) as my friends always say and thought i'm paid by Google,
but i've to admit i'm not paid by Google but their products are so good than each time i've an opportunity to mention it, "I do it".

Don't forget Zeu Game musts should come also on the popular IPhone and BlackBerry. But i'm not sure with my only 2 arms i can do all that in a only one life ;).

So i've built an open API this way any motivated and fan geek of Zeu Game could implement the client it wish for Zeu Game musts ;)

Currently i've Only (it's gorgous!) a magic Android GPhone and if anybody who is willing to commit dev on their iPhone for the Zeu Game, is welcome!

I prefer Human vs Solo playing mode because personnaly i always prefer play with with humans (and not agains) than against computers ;) . Not because computers are stronger just because playing with friends let in our memory good remembers ;) and this always give the oportunities to remember them while we have diners or any others kind of meetings. "Do you remember how i beat you ..., No it's me who beat me ;)"

Technicaly the Zeu Game musts games ;) are built with Java/GWT/Flash technologies which are in my mind the best ones even if i find Ruby and Pyhton have the best builtin set of language basis instructions without having to have to had the third libraries and specially the great Jakarta's libs ;).

"I wrote this just by hopping to excitate my work friends, which always take the defense of Java vs Ruby when they will read this paragraph". I've the same point of view about MVC which is not as good as it seems. I prefer the built-in widget concept.

Hey guys Yes Ruby/Python are by themselves more powerful from a language point of view natively speaking, but Eclipse saves the life of Java ;) ;)

OK guys i close the irritating parenthesis and YES Zeu Game Server is Java Based!!! :)

About web client forgot all you have been teached for developing web based clients and use GWT and or Flash/Flex they are not enemies BUT Friends!! Just kiding but not that much ;)

I've started developing commercial products with GWT since the first Beta and it has been a good choice and a good deal! I've done the same with flex and it is a good choice too. And mixin the 2 is the best choice. so if you want speak about these techs with me not problem but don't start by saying GWT is blasting Flex or the reverse. It's not true, they address differents areas and kind of clients.

So I hope to have the courage to keep updated this blog since i'm not a good writer and with my bad "friendglish" you will laught because i never check the transaltor since i'm lazy (just for writing articles of course).



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